Bed Party!

Posted by on Feb 12, 2010 | 0 comments


As my dear friend says , in her best Steel Magnolias accent……”There is nothing like a good bed party!” I agree! Let me explain what a Bed Party is. It is a unscheduled gathering of some of your favorite people, plopping down in comfortable clothes on a bed and having great conversation and lots of laughter.

Last night after a very long day I came home to a great Thai dinner with my big boys.  Then we watched a movie of my choice….in one word, PAINFUL ….Bad movie,  Bad choice. After I got down off the cross the boys nailed me to, ( I hit the hammer a few times too for wasting an hour and a half of our lives UGH!) we all piled in my bed one by one. Now these are big boys and of course Sunshine the Dog could not be left out! So the 4 of us and Sunny squashed in together.

Here’s the thing about a bed party….there is this wonderful sense of togetherness, of belonging. You feel loved, safe and accepted. What is said there stays there. We giggled, acted silly, shared and caught up with one another, we exhaled from the very busy day. Each party can look different. I have had bed parties with my friends, my kids, my sister and mom, cousins….there is not a particular guest list ever. You are invited by the need to plop and be.  It is just a unexpected moment when people just plop down and the party begins. And it is in this moment where all seems right in the world and deep joy and satisfaction is felt.

There is wonder and surprise found in the unexpected and unscheduled moments of our days….. It is in the ordinary that we are blessed with extraordinary. Find yours today!

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