Do you SEE me?

Posted by on Feb 23, 2016 | 0 comments


I have said it for years, the 3 most important things for a healthy, loving relationship is to feel safe, loved, and heard.
But there are two other words that seem to be rising up recently.

With all the technology I am finding many who don’t feel SEEN, or know (feel) that they MATTER, because we are all running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

This is true for spouses, children, friends…

Our schedules are so full and our faces are looking at screens, we hardly have time to look at those we love in the eyes, or listen without distraction.

To feel safe, loved and heard, we first must be SEEN by those we love.
Once we know we are seen, then we know we MATTER.

I know it sounds simple but the challenge is real.

Today take time to SEE those around you. Listen to what they are saying. Show them they matter in your world with your attention.
It’s such a precious commodity and so easily given~‪#‎payattentiontothosethatmatter‬ ‪#‎leadwithlove‬

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