Posted by Merrill on Feb 21, 2010 | 0 comments
Today we had an amazing guest speaker at our church. She started with singing about living waters then challenged us to move outside of our comfort zones and into different neighborhoods. To really be a neighbor, to love, extend grace and show others God’s love without boundaries or exception. Her song and message stayed with me all day long. The touching story with Mr. Rodgers song…”Won’t you be my neighbor?” Are we able to let go of the pride, fear and comfort and really be neighbors to one another? To be humble enough to let others in and share of our living water? To share the comfort we have received from knowing where the well is?
“There’s a river of Life flowing out of me…..makes the lame to walk and the blind to see. Opens prison doors, sets the captives free….there’s a river of Life flowing out of me….”
It flows and fills up, there is power in this living water….. to heal, open eyes and hearts, to set captives free. May you know this living water, fill up with it and let it flow out to touch your neighbors…..your world.
Thanks Brenda for stepping into our neighborhood and letting it flow! What a refreshing moment of Living Water is was!