Posted by Merrill on Mar 8, 2010 | 0 comments
Do you ever get a thought going in your mind and you turn it, twist it, mull it, bake it, sit in it and then finally it kinda falls into place. Go with me for a minute (or two) on this one….
The other day someone emailed me about being in a bad place and then finished it with…“I’m sorry to burden you with this on this beautiful day as you are always so upbeat and encouraging.” It kinda made me stop and think. I am encouraging, but it is part of my job as well as one of my gifts. I can be very upbeat but you could also say I have ADHD and my children could testify to other personality traits that are not so upbeat. And burden was an interesting way to put it. It could only be a burden if I picked it up and carried it with me all day. The thoughts started twisting and turning…..
Let’s see if I can make sense of my pondering and why this was stuck in the space between my ears for the last few days. First, as believers we are called to be a part of a community, to support, uplift, pray and encourage one another. It’s a good thing that we don’t all go down at the same time or with the same issues. God has given us each individual gifts to make up this community we are blessed with. One of mine is encouragement, you have some too, we all do. My energy is just good old genetic make up! Second is the Burden part, It can only really become a burden if I take it on. What I have learned over the years is to pray for someone when they reach out then leave it at God’s feet. He can do a whole lot better job than I can and it’s not mine to carry.
And lastly, I guess that over the years people have a tendency to look at me and think “Oh, she is so upbeat and is always happy.” WRONG! Most the time that might be true and again it is somewhat due to the way God made me. But I have had my challenges that seemed too big and too painful that I questioned if I were going to live. I cried for days, have been mad for days, have felt lonely and scared at times. Not very upbeat at all and definitely not happy. I have some star witnesses if needed!
So today as I was getting ready I was still pondering…What is the point here? I pulled out a dress that looks a bit like a WHO. Do you know what a WHO is? They are the quirky, furry creatures that lived in Whoville. You know the Grinch That Stole Christmas……I know what you are thinking, this is a blog not a novel, get to the point! Well, as I put this WHO like dress on it hit me. Remember in the show on Christmas morning when all the WHO’s got up to find they had lost all…..No packages, boxes, ribbons or bows…..everything had been stolen and taken from them?
They still sang!
I giggled and thought, I am a WHO! Because I have felt like I lost everything and have had things taken away. The only thing that is certain is the unfailing love of my God, who woke up with me on that hard morning and the next morning and the next…….. And together, we sang.
We sing because we are loved, we praise because nothing can take that away. And we love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19) It is a choice. Sure we need days to cry, be mad, sad and pout but in the end we have something to sing about. We are not alone and have a love that can carry us even on the most difficult days when all seems lost and taken. So, if I can use my encouraging gift for you… my best WHO way…..Remember you are loved, for no one can take that away!