Posted by Merrill on Mar 11, 2010 | 0 comments
One of the girls in my weekly girls group shared a story about how she was in a very difficult place the other day. My friend was emotionally spent and said the only way to describe how she was feeling was that it felt like she was in a car going too fast without a seat-belt to keep her safe. Well, we all know how that would feel. Out of control, scary and nerve racking to say the least. She went on to explain that she was sitting in her car at a light in tears as she desperately called out to God….“Help! What do I do?”
Just as she cried out a truck passed in front of her with a license plate with big letters that spelled out PRAY. She smiled through her tears and prayed…..and God replied, “I am your seat-belt. Strap in and trust me for I will keep you safe.”
At times life can feel too fast, out of control and like you are heading for a collision. The ride can be quite bumby and rough, but just as my friend found out that day, it is important to keep yourself strapped into God’s care, protection and grace. Through prayer and faith we buckle in each day before we head out onto the highways of our life. And even though we might have a few bumps, bruises and fender-benders along the way we know we are safely strapped in, close to a God who loves us and will protect and keep us.
“For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”Psalm 91:11