Posted by Merrill on Mar 22, 2010 | 0 comments
Today I am letting my soul catch up with my body! What a crazy week last week. You know those times when you are so busy that nothing or no one gets the best of you. Even YOU! We beat ourselves up, knowing we need to slow down but have to ride it out the best we can until we come to an exit. It’s like needing a “Potty” stop on a long deserted highway! Are we there YET?
We all have weeks like that where we are anxiously looking for the next rest stop! Well today I found it. Exit 3/22/2010. I am getting out, stretching my soul, breathing deep, slowing down and allowing God’s Holy Spirit to fill me up!
“Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of heaven feed me til I want no more, here’s my cup, I lift it up and make me whole…”
Love this song, today I am singing it loudly. We all need days when we are intentional about finding a rest stop and filling up. It helps us to be better parents, spouses, friends and workers. Sure you can steal little moments of mercy and grace within the busy hectic weeks but an extended time of seclusion where you can exhale, no make up, no shower but best of all….. no place to be!
“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men (that’s us too girls) For he satisfies the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things!” Psalm 107: 8-9
Just like finding that exit with the Potty! Relief! Nothing feels better! Filler Up Lord and Make me Whole! I will be back on the highway tomorrow and heading in the direction you lead, refreshed and renewed and with a full tank!