Posted by Merrill on Apr 8, 2010 | 0 comments
So, my Sweet 10 year old Jackson was on the church playground last night after church supper when our Pastor came up to chat. As Dr. Bob later shared with me the conversation went something like this….
“Hey there Jackson.”
“Hi, Dr. Bob.”
“How are you doing buddy?”
“Good …. How was your day?
“Fine.” Pause….
“You seem sad.” Jackson said looking at Bob.
Amused, Bob relied, ” Well, actually I am just tired.”
“Maybe you should find a bigger bench, lay down and take a rest.”
I loved this exchange on many levels…one was that Jackson was tuned in enough to know something was up with Bob. (He was okay he just needed a nap!) But we all know that wonderful response to “How are you?” FINE. Fine rarely means fine. Sometimes yes, but are we attentive and present enough to hear when it’s not fine? Can we slow down from running on the playground, climbing tress and chasing sisters like Jackson did and be present enough to hear the difference?
This is community, to BE WITH others …. sensing, acknowledging, comforting, supporting and maybe even offering guidance. In Jackson’s case it was just the suggestion of a bigger bench and a rest! Beloved, let us slow down and love one another, be compassionate and humble. Extending grace, a hand when needed and possibly a bench to rest on. Well Done Jackson, well done!