Good Morning Life….all is good.

Posted by on Jun 20, 2010 | 0 comments

IMG_0720I woke a little anxious this morning, life has been a bit crazy. Schools out and summers here, WOOHOO! But ready set go…. the  juggling of kids, camps, work, vacations, home and life….you know what I mean.  Then you add into the mix that I took a HUGE leap, well let’s say Dive off the Deep end and  did an Oprah audition for all to see. Talk about out of the box and feeling exposed…. So this morning I went out really early to clear my head, just as the sun was waking and starting to shine….what a gift! It’s like God said “Merrill, relax! Take a deep breath and look at the beauty I have created that surrounds you…. All is well….All is good!”

Amazingly, I saw a turtle crossing Temple Trail, a brown bunny hopping across Trismen Terrace and more cardinals and other birds and creatures than I could count. Wildlife waking, all going along their way, welcoming their day in full confidence that their world was good. The only one I met on a one on one level was the turtle, whom I picked up and carry to safety so he would not become a turtle pancake. I thought isn’t this what God does for us? We find ourselves on the busy roads of our life, scared to death we are going to be hit, squashed, flattened, exposed or just lost and out of control….and along comes our Maker. He picks us up and safely carries us to the other side. I think God saw me just like that little turtle I met this morning….Tucked in my shell a bit nervous and scared. He picked me up and showed me…. All is good.

The kids and I had a wonderful time making this video and each time I look at it I smile, and if nothing else it just reminds me that my life is good. So whether I win or not….I know God’s got my Shell!

ENJOY! We did……..Go TEAM!

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