Summer Showers….Let it RAIN!

Posted by on Aug 13, 2010 | 0 comments

The other day I was thinking about a powerful moment I had on a mission trip I took to Panama with my son Andrew. It had been a long hot day, no air conditioning of course and showers were limited at the base camp we were at. We had come together in this small outdoor pavilion for worship after dinner. As Andrew led us in worship the wind started to picked up due to a thunderstorm brewing. The breeze felt refreshing and cool against our warm dirty bodies. Then as we began to sing Grace Like Rain it started to pour. AHHH…..Relief in so many ways. First, this is one of my all time favorite songs that my son sings, he is amazing and knows how to invite the Holy Spirit into any space when he raises his voice in worship.

Second, as we were singing, we realized that the water falling from the sky was a cool and free shower offered to us. One by one we stepped out from under the roof and sang, “Let it Rain, Let it rain….Open the flood gates of heaven…”. God was with us raining his grace, mercy and cool refreshing water down on us. God met us there that night to fill us up and rinse us off, and boy did we need it! This will always be a reminder to me that God knows our needs and has a great sense of timing and humor!

In life there are times we just need a good shower.  We all need a physical cleansing or we would be really ripe and stinky, after raising 4 boys and a tomboy girl I know this to be very true! But we are also in need of a good spiritual and emotional cleansing every now and then, due to the build up of walking in this world and the challenges presented to us daily. No matter how healthy you are the impurities of life’s struggles can stir up dust, create dirt, mud and mess that get on us. We just need to find time to allow God to rain down and wash away all that we have picked up along the way. As the impurities are removed we begin to experience a lightness that brings with it clarity of vision, a new since of purpose, peace and JOY!

The song changed me, when rainstorms come I want to stand outside to feel the wind blow across my face, hear the leaves stir in the tress and watch the rain fall down. I want to lift my face and feel his spirit fall down on me……Hallelujah grace like rain falls down on me and I am washed clean today. Let it rain!

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