Posted by Merrill on Aug 19, 2010 | 0 comments
There is this great line out of the movie Jurassic Park that I have always loved. It is when the wonderfully eccentric (and I find very sexy) scientist played by Jeff Goldblum is talking to the owner/creator of the dinosaur park, Hammon. They are discussing the creation of the park and all the dino’s in it and Hammon is so excited about the amazing fact that it could be done. Then the challenging scientist says…” Yeah, yeah, but you were so excited with the fact that you could, you never took the time to think if you should.”
Powerful, so true and really more about life in general not just the making of dinosaurs! This line has been resonating with me all week. I have pondered…..Just because we Could give our kids cell phones at 10 0r even younger, Should we? Are they mature enough to handle the bombardment of such intense social interactions without supervision or protection, after all they are still children, aren’t they? They never have time for a moment of original thought due to the fact that they always having to respond or react. When does their mind rest or truly focus on one thing or one person? Can they hear their own voice and know what they love without the opinion’s of others invading? What about us, just because we Could be available 24/7 Should we be? Can we turn off the technology that controls our lives to give someone we love our undivided attention? Just because we Could talk on the phone or text while driving….Should we? What lessons are we sending?
How about the fact that now that I am single and Could sleep with many men, Should I? Is that in my best interest when looking for a healthy love to fill my life? Or I Could eat whatever I want because I am adult now and buy my own food, Should I eat tons of unhealthy food putting my health at risk? How many of us fell into the “Because it was easy to buy a house well beyond our means”, and we Could a few years back…Should we have done it? We Could say “Yes” to everything asked of us instead of stopping to think, Should I? Does it fit into my life priorities or will it cram my life too full? And I Could say something to retaliate, gossip or be hurtful, but Should I watch my mouth and ponder forgiveness instead of adding fuel to the flame? How about the luxury of sleeping in…because we Could sleep in instead of exercising or going to church, Should we? Is that in my best interest? Now I know every now and then it is important to sleep in… to vegg-out, I know that we need to eat yummy things too, I definitely eat my share! Don’t get me wrong, I am just pondering a bigger question.
Everyday I deal with people (myself included) who COULD or can and I guess the resounding question that keeps ringing in my ears is “But SHOULD WE?” I always encourage my clients to ask themselves, “Is this God’s best for my life?”, because it really comes down to the two of you. It is not for me or anyone else to judge another’s choices or to set the rules of any one’s life. But I do know without a doubt that when a child of God asks his loving father “Is this Your best for my life?”, he answers. Just like when our children look at us as the are about to grab something hot and we say, “Be careful sweetie, that will burn you!”
We live in such a fast paced environment that seems to revolve around the fact that “We Can”. Everything is available and presented or given to us earlier and more quickly in today’s world without much intentional thought of whether “We Should”. If you can afford it, Buy It! If it Feels good, Do It! If it Tastes good, Eat it! The list goes on and on! The gift of Free Will was not meant to be the gift of Free Reign or Free from thought and balance in ones life. It reminds me of that sassy girl Eve in the Garden of Eden….If only she had stopped and thought…..”Should I eat this apple?” What great food for thought!
See what one good line from a movie can stir up in this brain of mine!