Moment by Moment….

Posted by on Oct 4, 2010 | 1 comment

What a month and a half this has been.  Life in FULL force on so many levels. It has been filled with celebrations, sadness, adjustments, laughter, tears and let me catch my breath moments. It is in times like this that I have to take pause to the littlest things that show me God is present in this whirlwind we call life.

He was there last night when I was in a meeting…. I was feeling a bit tired and weary in the motherhood department, when a young lady I had not met before said she was in a young adults group with two of my big boys. She said, “Your boys talk about you all the time, they love you.” Gulp Gulp Gulp….I drink it down, refreshment for this mother’s soul.  He is in an unexpected email from a friend from the past, after I found out a dear friend has a terminal illness. Life and death, joy and sorrow, highs and lows….He meets us in whatever moment we find ourselves in, he is funny and faithful like that.

This past month I have found him hidden in moments at the beach, talking with a teacher, on walks, in conversations with friends, in the faces of my children, in an unexpected kiss, being with my sister, in the success of a client, at the DMV, playing darts, running in a rainstorm, a China connection…..He is present in each moment and wants to show us his love. So even if the wind is a howling or it is a still, quiet time in your life, keep your eyes, heart and spirit open to receive his presence within your life. After all, life is not made up of days, months or years, it is made up moment by moment.

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    And he is in Texas too! When life reminds me of all that I left behind, He reminds me that he is here. Thanking God for His presence and for friends like you who have been there for me too!

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