Life is so messy, I can’t see the line!

Posted by on Oct 11, 2010 | 0 comments

The Sweetly Broken Workshop has a healing service as part of the 6 weeks we spend together and last week we had that service. It is always a time of worship, communion and prayer. I encourage those attending to look at all we have discussed over the last 4 weeks and start to make a decision to let go of the negative emotions they carry. To lay it down so they can move forward into the life God has for them. Well one sweet girl that was attending sent me this email….
“Thank you for the beautiful class last week, it was truly lovely.
I do have a question, perhaps you can shed some light on, however.
Where is the line between laying your burdens at His feet, keeping a positive attitude, and trusting that you will not fall apart… Vs… Just giving up in defeat?”
I know that feeling of giving up in defeat, there have been days that are just so difficult that I was not too sure that I was going to make it. BUT I did, you just focus on the day. Nothing more.  Just doing your best however that looks for that day…moment by moment.
The line for me between letting go, trusting and not giving up is when I let go of my expectations of what life was suppose to look like. Part of the letting go is letting go of what our expectations were, and still are on some level, looking at life with different priorities. We can’t have the same expectations, there has to be acceptance and our focus has to change. Life will most likely never be what we had thought it was going to be or planned it to be, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be bad….just different. That is where the acceptance comes in and joy can be felt again. There are lots of lessons in the suffering that in the end bring joy to our hearts.

It is in trusting God that his presence is with you no matter where you are or what you are going through, you are not alone. And that he will give you what you need to walk through it. Life is not easy, in fact I’ve always said, it is VERY MESSY, but he can make something out of the mess when we give it to him, sit at his feet and allow him to heal what hurts and refocus our lost expectations.

By surrendering to a deep acceptance and letting go of our expectations rather than tearing apart who we are and what our life is… there is room for genuine and joyful growth and change. Things simply fall away when they are ready, making space for new growth, life and a rich harvest of what God has in store for you.

Now that is healing. There is life with just a look at him, take a peek today.

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