Faith Warriors!

Posted by on Oct 20, 2010 | 1 comment

Faith…when we hear this word it stirs up so many different feelings and emotions within each of us. Recently I  heard a famous TV preacher respond to a statement while being interviewed on a morning talk show, “You just make faith look easy?” As I was getting dressed watching this morning show, praying he would respond well to the millions of morning viewers watching…..For we were all heading out to tackle the world and the challenges we each face….. Please give us a good straight, honest answer!

This man SMILED and said, “Well, IT IS.”

UGH! GAME SHOW NO!!  If I call in will they take my call…..I have the right answer!!! No faith is not easy! In fact, faith can be tough to dig up, difficult to find, challenging even on our best days. Be honest so that others can wrestle with theirs and know they are not alone. Faith warriors are those who hunt it down even in the most trying times. They catch it, cage it and hold on to it because they know that if they have faith, it will eat the monster “fear” that threatens us and it tames the wild vulnerabilities and self doubt that shake us.

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Talk about challenging, to stand in faith even when we can’t see the road ahead. To trust in a God we cannot see or hear either. To know that he is and has always been there to walk the path with you, no matter where you find yourself. I wish this very talented preacher would have said, “No it is not easy, but I cannot imagine life without faith! It is like a muscle that you have to work hard to pump up, so that when the tough times come you are ready to kick some Fear and Doubt Booty!”

Take it from a girl like me…. faith grows when you spend time standing in it, rolling in it, splashing in it, crawling to it….just find it. For when it is tended to and allowed to grow within us you will find that the blossom’s of HOPE grow no matter what season you are in. Faith reminds us that it is not all about us, but all about Him and his great love for each of us.

Now go and catch yourself some FAITH and have a victorious day!

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    Oh how I wished you could have given your response. What was this man thinking? Oh dear. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.

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