I’ll have the fish!

Posted by on Oct 25, 2010 | 0 comments

I read something yesterday that I just loved….

“Every “yes” is a “no” to something.” We can’t say “yes” to everything, but we need to weigh which “yes” is the most life-giving in this moment. Everything we invite into our lives takes a certain amount of time, energy, care and attention. We have a choice.

This was an interesting weekend and I had to take pause and ask what “yes’s” in my life are life-giving. I had to say “no” to somethings this weekend to say “yes” to me. Selfish? I would call it Soulfish. Choosing to tend to my soul.

Understanding that within the pause to determine what should be a “yes” and what should be a “no”, comes clarity, rest and renewal with wise choices. There is a reason God created day and night. The rhythm of rest is built into our lives, though at times we forget how to move and groove to it. I don’t know about you but I think I can tackle it all forgetting I have limits. Doesn’t that W on my chest stand for Wonder Woman? If I am not careful it will stand for Weary Woman. To know when to say when, is necessary and needed because limits convey the truth of who God is and the reality of “me”. I don’t need to run ahead of God but allow him to take the lead and guide my choices. Without rest and quiet time to allow my mind and heart to settle I become restless, depleted and less aware of the things that bring me joy and God’s presence in my life.

With all the “no’s” to pumpkin carving parties, Home Shows and more…. I had to choose and ponder this weekend…… there was a great “yes” last night. I had my three big boys and their girlfriends over for dinner. As we were sitting around the dining room table, candles lit, Andrew’s meal of fish and brussel sprouts plated, laughter, love and music filled the room. This was Life-Giving and Soul Filling….

I think I will have another helping of the Soulfish!

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