Posted by Merrill on Nov 4, 2010 | 0 comments
In 1997 my sister Kristin gave me the book Simple Abundance; a Day Book of Comfort and Joy, and here in 2010, I still read it. What a wonderful book of comfort, joy and wisdom. After plowing though the first year I now rarely read the day I am suppose to. I always just throw out to God, “What do you have for me today?” Then open the book and read. This is how I read my bible too most days, it is amazing how he responds to my callings, cries and screams.
Today was Worry about Money. Funny God, how did you know? Oh, I know we all are in the same boat, but the ones that share my cabin on this ship are the ones that I am responsible for and have to make sure we stay a float and being a single mom I am always checking the life vests. Will there be enough? Where will it come from? How long can we last? These have been rough seas.
“Worry is a projection of a possible, not necessarily probable scenario…. Instead of worrying, consider Actions you could take to Create money (joy, peace, love, balance…. just thought I would throw that in too) There is an enormous difference in the Energy you send out to the universe when you focus on Creating rather than Needing. Transforming every….
“What WILL I do?” into “What CAN I do.”
Now that was stronger than my coffee this morning! ACTION BABY. As a coach, mother and woman, I LOVE THIS! From God’s mouth, to the pages of this marvelous little book, to my heart and ears! WILL I worry, fret and stress or CAN I do something to create peace and positive energy in my life. Good one, thanks God for waking up with me and being faithful to speak truth and encouragement into my life on this rainy morning.
Trust, Faith and then Action….and Thanks for what has already been given.
Funny how often we forget what is on that dollar bill….
In God We Trust
Yes, I do. Life vest secure now off to wake my little sailors and keep sailing!