A BIG Imperfect Gift!

Posted by on Nov 30, 2010 | 1 comment

Isn’t it funny how others perceive us through our Facebook updates or posts. Yes, I have been called the “Upload-er” due to how fast I get picture posted. I also post life coaching tips everyday, and with this people get a glimpse into my life. I frequently hear….

“You have a great life….What a wonderful family…. You all look so happy and have so much fun….”

Perception is tricky.  Yes, our life is good, it can be fun and at times very happy. But the truth is that my family is just as real as the next. No perfect here, in fact I am very uncomfortable with the word “perfect”. We have our bumps and bruises, our scars and pains, our fussing and fighting and our bills to be paid. But this got me to thinking…..I do have a great family in spite of all the trials we have had to walk through and endure. As a single mom and my kids having to deal with divorce we are really quite stable and strong. So why? I had to ponder this….

Choices were made along the way…..to forgive, move on, to let go, not always understand. To let each other be themselves. To love even when we didn’t like. To accept and support one another.

Prayers were said….for grace, for wisdom, for strength, for courage, for direction, for mercy, for truth, for love…..for each other.

Tears were shed…..out of pain, out of fear, out of loneliness, sometimes joy and many times laughter.  But the tears always had a shoulder to shed on or be shared with between the 12 shoulders we were blessed with.

We try our best….. just “our” best no matter what it looked like. Sometime ugly, sometimes beautiful. It looks different everyday. Never giving up. Life can be so difficult but it is what we do with it that matters most. Each day putting one foot in front of the other, knowing we are not alone but a family and God’s presence is among us.

We make due…. we have always enjoyed each other more than anything we could have bought. Whether an impromptu dance party, a game of horse or guitars being strummed, it always feels like “Time Well Spent.” because we are together.

We decided that the best thing to hold on to was each other…..and we love each other more deeply as each year goes by.

Don’t give me perfect….This Christmas I am enjoying the imperfect gift that has been given to me. We have our quirks, brokenness, BIG personalities, strengths and weaknesses…but what a gift I love to unwrap each day, year after year!

May you enjoy the gift of your family this season….no matter what it looks like or comes wrapped in! It is a gift, OPEN IT, play with it and ENJOY it!

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    Well said!

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