Life interrupted….

Posted by on Dec 9, 2010 | 1 comment

I am co-leading an Advent study and last week we talked about divine interruptions. Yes, God can throw us a few of those here and there too. We talked about sweet Joseph and how he must have felt when he found out Mary was prego with Jesus. Talk about an interruption!

Well, we can have interruptions that can be pretty hard to swallow too. Maybe not a divine pregnancy but certainly things that have caused us to stop dead in our tracks and ask, “Are you kidding me!”, “Seriously, what were you thinking God?”, “How inconvenient!”. Interruptions can come in so many different forms. Health issues, job challenges, relationships beginning or ending, financial, moving, the list goes on and on. As we talked about Mary and Joseph and their LONG walk to Bethlehem we will never know all the conversations they had about this huge interruption (and I am sure they had a lot!) One thing is clear though, they processed it and accepted it and kept walking. God knew the perfect time to tell them, then allowed them time to get in settled in their hearts.

I know that if we are able to respond (trust) to the interruptions as the Psalms say, ” Wait upon the Lord, my soul waits and in his word I put my hope.”, instead of reacting (fear and control), we will start to see a glimmer of what God has in store through the interruptions. After years of interruptions in my life I can look back and say that it is there where the learning curve of life strengthened the foundation of who I am, my faith and what I believe. Now, let’s be clear….I didn’t always go skipping and singing into every interruption. Some I literally went kicking, screaming and crying into just like one of my children (who will remain un-named) heading in to the doctors for shots! Exhausting….. but the amazing thing is that somewhere along the walk to my “Bethlehem” I heard God say…

“I have plans for you, (trust me) you are my servant; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you (within this interruption), do not be dismayed, (I have it under control) for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand…. (So get it settled and let’s GO!)

Remember the Wonder and Joy that was found after their faithful walk to Bethlehem…May we stay settled and keep walking so that we too may find the same Wonder and Joy witin our life intterruptions!

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    This made me smile. How exciting for your family on your son’s engagement. I love that you referred to his askig her father as a highlight in their lives. And sooo sorry about your real tree. I used to have a small real one in our 17 yos room when he was little. One is still growing in the back..most of the others died. I have a litttle evergreen I bought three Christmases ago and he’s lived outside. This was the third time we decorated him. I thought he was a goner last summer. (he still lives in a big pot). I forgot to keep him watered during out hot, hot spells. He looked brown…like he had been in a forest fire. But miraculously he survived. Wish you a wonderful, restful week between the holidays.

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