Posted by Merrill on Dec 27, 2010 | 0 comments
December 27th, this week seems to always be a time of exhaling, cleaning, returning, re-grouping and pondering the year we are getting ready to close out and the New Year approaching. It is a relaxed time with friends and loved ones with no more present, cooking or wrapping pressure. I LOVE this week. It’s kinda like no mans land on the calendar for me. As I am still sitting in bed (it is freezing cold and I can’t even think of getting up and out yet….the coffee is too good and the blankets are so warm) with Sunshine at my feet I have been pondering the past few days…..
It was a great Christmas with my children. Everyone was happy with what Santa brought and what they gave each other. The big brothers all made their gifts. David gave stamps with each of the boys own trademarks, Michael sewed work aprons, and Andrew canned pickles, orange marmalade and cinnamon, habanero honey. Grace found treasures in her room that she shared with us, then Jackson and Grace also hit the dollar store to find thing we cannot live without. Wrapped all by themselves and opened with much joy and anticipation, who knew David needed another whoopie cushion to complete his set? It was an amazingly easy and light day spent with family. Banjo and mandolin music, ladder ball tournaments (David and I are the Champions to beat in case you want a piece of the action), rum laced eggnog, a little bling for the king present, spicy sausage casserole, Michael in his fuzzy hat he didn’t take off for 24 hours….Favorite present was my pocket “Love Jesus” given by my daughter in law to be. Yes, she knows me well.
With this no man’s land to wander thought this week I am pondering a word to define my New Year ahead. I decided last year that instead of make a long list of resolutions that could overwhelm me and might set me up for failure, I would pick ONE WORD. Then all my actions, decisions and choices needed to reflect that word. Last years word was INTENTIONAL. As I am closing out 2010 I feel like I had a very intentional year.
This year my word is HEALTH. Physically, emotionally and mentally. I will print it out and place it in key spots that I will see throughout my day to remind me what my ONE WORD is. This word will be a tough one for me. As I use to be a personal trainer and very fit, my exercise today is a defined by walking Sunshine. Also being the one who could eat anything and not get huge….the 40’s hit and I am finding areas expanding that didn’t use to grow when fed. Emotionally and mentally speaking, I need find times to be fed spiritually, work on self care, do things that create joy, passion and peace, and be active in learning, reading and trying new challenging things. Yes, HEALTH is my word.
As the New Year approaches I know this to be true….. 2011 will bring with it new joys, new sorrows, different adventures, challenges we didn’t see coming, shifts in plans and thinking, valleys where we will feel lonely and mountains we will need strength to climb, then people we love to help us celebrate it when we arrive….most importantly a relationship with a ever present God who loves us and is there to offer grace, guidance, love and forgiveness within each year we are blessed with.
May you wander though this week of no mans land and prepare yourself for a new year SO pregnant with exciting possibilities…..
What’s Your ONE WORD going to be?