So Jackson, Grace and I were watching a movie last night, all snuggled in, when Jackson looked over at me and said, “Do they all end good?” I looked at him and said, “You mean movies?” He said, “Yes, do all movies end good?” I just had to laugh and say “Most, because they want us to feel good.”
Isn’t it funny that my wonderful 10 year old boy knows that life is not that way and it feels weird that the world wants us to believe that. Truth is, not every storyline we live ends good/happy. Sometimes we have to deal with some pain and suffering for that it where growth happens, wisdom and knowledge is found and great depth and meaning are felt. There is always more to the story than the final cheesy kiss! They go home and live a real life. But as movie go-ers we eat this up, scoop by scoop…YUM! We like to feel good.
One thing that is helpful when our storyline is not an easy one is having loved ones show up and provide…. giggles, ice cream, movies, an ear, flowers, a walk, chocolate, games, magazines, prayers, hugs, candles, space, cleaning supplies, good words, wine and lots of LOVE. (thanks Morgan most recently) Together, we can handle any storyline life throws at us. Also the fact that God has the final edit in this girls story.
So, this morning tucked in bed with both my littles and Sunshine the dog, with breath that needs brushing (all 4 of us), them playing on their new IPods and me blogging….I will live my story out, knowing that with the good and the bad, even the ugly…this is a GREAT story and it’s all mine!
I just caught up on your blog. Some excellent recent posts that are terrific good food for thought. Thank you for being that person who showed up in my story this year and provided stability, clear thinking, love, wisdom and strength. Truly I am not sure I could have made it through it all without you there…even if it was long distance. I wish I could be there for you as you journey through the break up…I did not know. Got a little teary as I read about the engagement story. What a wedding that will be. Thanks for sharing!