Posted by Merrill on Dec 31, 2010 | 0 comments
Get those blackeyed peas a cookin! Chronologically we’re at the end of a year, a parting ways of sorts. We are heading onto new terrain, the beginning of an exciting new pilgrimage. A few thoughts as we prepare to shove off into 2011…
Never forget, the only thing you really need… already have. The fullness of God’s mercy, love, grace and compassion’s that are found new every morning. He surrounds you, sustains you, protects you, enfolds you and equips us with what we need for the journey ahead.
ASK….Ask for strength, Ask for help, Ask for the switch to be turned on, Ask for provision, Ask to catch the flow, Ask to soar, Ask for a break, Ask for guidance, Ask for grace…Ask, Ask, Ask
Surrender, lower and put down expectations….Be surprised by JOY.
Be CONTENT, SATISFIED…..but not complacent. Be PRESENT. This year plan to Be the BEST YOU in whatever form it takes, within each day.
Give THANKS for what you already have, then OPEN your arms, hearts and minds as WIDE as you can as you prepare to receive all the blessings with your name on them. God has a purpose, plan and blessings waiting for you already tucked into the New Year that lies ahead.
BELIEVE….in yourself, in others, in the One who believes in you. Just Believe! It does your world good.
PRAY. It is the fuel for the journey that is before us. It’s free, it’s easy and always available. You just have to make the connection, He always picks up! Whether on bended knees, driving carpool, at work, cooking dinner or on a walk…PRAY, It matters. It creates shifts and movements within us and around us. Pray for others, pray for yourself, give thanks, cry out needs, fears and hopes….then quiet yourself and listen to what your creator whispers back to you, his beloved one. It might surprise you.
Apply FORGIVENESS everyday. All 365 days of the year.
PLEASE EXTEND GRACE to yourself and others…Always. And remember you do have a choice in all you do, say, think, who you surround yourself with and what you do with the gift of time and where it is spent.
After you have eaten your blackeyed peas….. lift up your faces and feel the warmth of His love shine down on you as you head out and prepare to experience this journey into a New Year!