Posted by Merrill on Jan 3, 2011 | 0 comments
If you have had any contact with me the last 2 weeks you know what “ONE WORD” means. I have been pushing the ONE WORD theme to help others define what 2011 will look like for them. It has been so exciting to hear what they come up with. There was a DO, because this person had not done anything much for years due to an accident. There was a FINISH, they had a lot of undone things in their life. There was a DISCOVER, PLAY, CRUISE, POSITIVE, SERVE, HARVEST, THRIVE, MOVE, WHOLE, SINCERITY, PASSIONATE, PEACE, BREATHE, OPPORTUNITY, RELEASE, NO, GENESIS, POWER, SATISFIED, ADVENTURE, JOY…..the list goes on and on. I was so impressed at how many came up with great ONE WORDS to take them into the new year and allow that word define what 2011 will birth for each of them!
I was meeting with one of my young adult clients who I gave the ONE WORD challenge to. He struggled with having to put it into just one word. Then at some point in the session a smile came over his face. He said “Could I use my name for the one word?”
This was my favorite ONE WORD moment. This amazing young adult knew that discovering who he was away from parents, the past, judgements, self doubt, fears and untruths about who he thought he was or had been told he was or wasn’t….was the beginning of creating the life he desires and deserves. It was this moment that took my breath away. Perfect. There was not a better word for him. He is starting out a New Year that will be filled with discovery, wonder, and the growing pains of taking ownership of who he is. I am incredibly blessed to be a part of his journey.
I love life coaching all ages, it allows me to see things from so many different vantage points. How many of us have allowed others opinions, beliefs and expectations define us? Restrict us, hold us back and box us in? Keeping us from living out who we were created to be. Maybe we should all take a look at our name and see with fresh open eyes who that person authenticlly is behind the name. Then own it and be the best “your name here” we can be.
Thanks to my amazing client for being deep and real enough to come up with my favorite ONE WORD this year!