Posted by Merrill on Jan 13, 2011 | 0 comments
Last night I asked a group in my workshop, “Do you really trust God’s will for your life?” I had a very smart (and a bit sassy) girl respond with, “I am too willful to let His will be done. My own self-will gets in the way of letting him lead the way in a “no thanks, I’ve got it from here, God” kind of dialogue.”
Honesty, something I love. I love her too.
How many times do we say, “Okay God lead the way, I will follow”, only to find ourselves totally at the wheel again thinking we are in full control….”Hey scoot over big guy, I got it from here. I know where I am going and the best (easiest, fastest, painless….) way to get there.” What are we so afraid of? Letting go of control? Not being in charge? That maybe he really doesn’t know what’s best for us?
I had another friend say today that she struggled with the idea of allowing God to be the Co-pilot, much less take over the reins in full control. Yes, we (me included) are a control freak people who struggle with not having a say. We live in a Burger King world….”Have it YOUR Way”. But, what if we did a one week faith challenge giving up control daily. Laying it at His feet and here’s the tricky part….NOT PICKING IT BACK UP! Saying, Not MY way but YOUR way. Trusting in his good, pleasing and perfect will for our life. (You know he has one)
Faith grows when you use it, it’s like a muscle. You work it out and it gets bigger, at least that’s what they tell me. Well that is how faith works too, the more we use it the stronger it becomes. I can tell you that God wants to “Pump us Up” so that we can trust him and feel safe not just on the known familiar paths we travel, but on the treacherous and difficult paths we must take too.
So, what’s a week? Wouldn’t it be nice for someone else to take the wheel for a change? Especially one who knows you so well and loves you more than you can comprehend. Who knows, maybe you will get use to not being the leader and find more peace on your paths. So, hop in the backseat, turn up the tunes and may our new jingle be….” I’ll Have it HIS WAY!”