Posted by Merrill on Jan 28, 2011 | 0 comments
This week I read something that JUMPED OUT AT ME like nothing has in a long time. I read…..
“Your problem is not that you don’t love God enough. It’s that you don’t understand how much He loves YOU.”
WOW! I loved this so much I felt like shouting it from the roof tops, sharing it with strangers, or at least the “line buddies” I make each week. This is definitely one of the biggest problems I face with the wonderful people I work with day in and day out, and in my life too. We struggle and still have not grasped how much God loves us, or we get so busy that we tend to forget and make it about us again. We find ourselves trying to do or say the right thing and be the right/good person that we lose sight in the fact the it all starts with His great love for us. Nothing we do or say or don’t do or say will change this love.
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Yep, that is where it starts. Acknowledging, accepting and living in His amazing and unconditional love for us! Today take a note card and write I LOVE YOU, then place it somewhere you will see frequently…And as you glance at it throughout the day may you remember that those are God’s gentle true loving words spoken to you. Then lift up your faces in acceptance and say “Thanks God for your AMAZING LOVE for me!”
It always brings a smile to my face to know he loves me just for good ole quirky, silly, tend to make mistakes, say the wrong thing, messy wonderfully made by You….. ME!
May you know His great LOVE for you too!