You Too?

Posted by on Feb 23, 2011 | 0 comments

If you read this blog regularly you know I love the C.S. Lewis quote….

“Friendship is born the moment one says to another, ‘What, you too? I thought I was the only one!”

How true is that! We walk around thinking and feeling we are the ONLY ONES! When in reality there are many others that have walked our path, carried similar burdens, know how we feel and understand the climb. None of us are immune from suffering, it might look a bit different but we all experience change and challenges.

I know this is a familiar song I sing quite often, but recently felt the need to share something with another and was not to sure how it would be received. When we humbly share the chapters of our life we have lived in order to comfort, inform or encourage others we put ourselves at risk to be judged, rejected or talked about. But over the years I know it is what God has called me to do, be authentically who He has created and molded me to be….messy and share it. Not gratuitously but when He asks me to so He can use it. So what  a wonderful surprise when I shared and got the response….”Me too!” It made me giggle because it is usually me singing the “Me Too’s!”

It really was at that moment that a deeper appreciation, intimacy and friendship was born…in the deep wells of sharing!

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