Senses…Use them and see the Lord is Good!

Posted by on Feb 28, 2011 | 0 comments

I know I am a big goober but today on my walk I was on a senses JOY overload… You see, as I was heading out for my mandatory walk, quite necessary after a long week in NC eating all that I could, my head was spinning with all the have “to- do’s” of the day. I grabbed the leash and Sunshine and I headed out to walk a few lb’s off.

Within the first 20 steps my “to-do’s” were gone. My senses were thrilled with the day and what it presented. As I walked along I unwrapped the beautiful gift that I had been given….

The cool breeze blowing across my skin. The new bright green spring leaves for my eyes to take in. The birds filling my ears with their theme songs. And last but not least by a long shot, was the amazing smell that orange blossoms make when in full bloom! PURE JOY this walk was….Sunshine’s tail was in FULL WAG too I might add. I lifted my face up as the warm sun shone down upon me, my face smiled in deep contentment.

It is the art of simply noticing all that is around you. Allowing yourself to be present in the moment or walk, exhaling and breathing in. It is receiving and accepting the gift of the day that God has provided. It is acknowledging and being settled in the fact that I have a God who loves me and is present no matter what is going in within my life. Being grateful for all my senses He has blessed me with and that can bring me joy when I use them.

As it says in Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Yes, He is and I had a big helping today. Full and Satisfied. Best thing of all it was zero calorie! May you taste and see what the Lord has for you. Get yourself a big helping, it’s a great way to start your day!

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