You who?

Posted by on Mar 1, 2011 | 0 comments

Free to be ME!

Yesterday I was meeting with a client who is in his early 20’s, it was one of those sessions that I walk away thrilled to the tips of my toes that I do what I am doing, life coaching. I am invited to “Do” life with others, to come along side them and look at what is working and what isn’t. Then through honest, safe and real conversation together we find ways to move them forward to create a life of purpose, meaning, balance, love and joy. We are a team. We laugh, cry, disagree, look at options, beliefs and motives, challenge the way we have done things in the past and wrestle until we make shifts in thinking and actions to move forward. Yes…I love my job! It is an amazing process to watch within those I work with and come to love and care for so deeply.

Today, this wonderfully messy young man was struggling with liking/loving/knowing who he is and was created to be. Who isn’t in their early 20’s, well for that matter at any age? At times we all compare, over-analyze, doubt, beat up who we think we should be or who we are. We tend to only look at our dark places instead of shining light on the places of worth and goodness, places that are loved. As I asked him, “What’s not to love?”, he replied, “Lots!”

Well, there is lots to love too. We all have places that are ugly, dark and hard to embrace. We are messy, every last one of us. BUT must we forget that we are still lovable, worthy, wonderfully made and created to be the one and only us. We need to stop looking around to measure up and start looking within. Just because we can be unlovely at times doesn’t make us unloved, it makes us human and in need of a God who’s grace allows us to see ourselves in a better light. Remember what it says in Zephaniah 3:17….

“He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing…”

May you hear the song He is singing for you today and start to see yourself as God sees you, delightful! Then just Be Yourself….everyone is taken!

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