A pigtail kinda day…

Posted by on Jul 20, 2011 | 0 comments


Do you ever notice if you get up and get going without showering that your day is more productive? I seem to find that to be true. It is not so much about the cleanliness or uncleanliness, it’s that you are uninterrupted. From the moment you wake, to the end of the day you stay on task and just keep moving. It doesn’t matter if what you have to do makes you dirty or sweaty, because you have not showered. It does not matter what you look like because these are the days you don’t care, you are focused. You can move faster in tennis shoes or flip flops than in heals…right? Clear head, dirty body…hum?

Okay, well today was one of those days and my hair is usually up in pigtails. Do we know what age is too old for pigtails? I guess I will find out one day….I did see a gray haired lady in pigtails recently and thought, “hum, that might be too old”…. but who knows and who really gets to say? She still rocked them anyway! As I was saying, dirty and pigtailed (red not gray yet, thanks L’oreal), I bopped around and got quite a bit done.

One of the highlights of my day was seeing the kids at VBS singing “He’s Wild about Me!” They were shaking their hips (even Jackson) singing and having a blast. Nothing screams summer like VBS, 500 kids with panda ears on singing for Jesus! The scripture for the day was up on the big screen, it was Psalm 139:14  “Thank you for making me wonderfully complex!” Now this made me laugh out loud….You know when God wants to make sure he gets His point across so He shouts it to you in many different forms. He has been wanting me to get settled in my complexity and learn to trust Him in my weaknesses and now it is up on the BIG screen at VBS. I felt a bit like Bruce Almighty, getting hit in the head with what God wants to say to ME, not the 500 panda eared kids.

“Hey YOU! Yes dirty pigtailed almost 48 year old girl in the back of the Gym! I am talking to you. Can you read the BIG letters on the screen? GOOD! SO now you know, I made you wonderfully complex so that I could delight in you and use you!” Could you get over it so that we can move on or do I need to get a real panda to have a word with you?”

Got it. And, thanks Big Guy for the humor, you know I love a good giggle. So, I will roll around in my complexity, pigtails and all, knowing dirty or clean, productive or slug, rich or poor, focused or ADD….YOU ARE WILD ABOUT ME!

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