Posted by Merrill on Aug 30, 2011 | 2 comments
The other day Grace, Jackson and I were looking at old photos that I have been throwing in a box for……years. We saw babies, birthdays, trips, school years, holidays, adventures, friends and family at all ages and then I saw this beautiful woman. She was young, skinny, beautiful, and full of life.
It was me.
YIKES!!! I thought to myself…Why did I not know, realize or grasp how beautiful I was back then? It hit me, most of us beat ourselves up all along the way, never quite happy with where we are in our bodies at any given moment. Never skinny enough, too many freckles, long nose, a tummy that has grown and shrunk with each childbirth…..the list could go on and on. We choose to only see what we don’t like, instead of loving what we have been given. Focusing on what we would call “flaws”, instead of the gift of a body that works and the parts that make us unique. The girl in the picture was beautiful. How sad not to love your body right where you are and appreciate what it can do in the moment you are living. I thought, oh if I could go back and tell myself…”Girl You Look GOOD!”
I can’t.
But, I can look in the mirror today and see the beauty that is there. Yes, a few more lines, because I have smiled and laughed along the way. The pounds have shifted over time, because God blessed me with being able to carry 5 babies to term to be born and bless me daily. Freckles, a bit faded but when in the sun they still shine. And a red head thanks to Loreal! I am still beautiful. My body can still move, go for long walks, run and dance. I can hear, see (with the help of an accessory called glasses) and taste all the yummy food my boys prepare.
And when I look a bit longer I see a deeper beauty and strength, one of survival to have handled all life has thrown at me thus far. My body is a home to my spirit and soul. It allows me to show the ones I love, how much I love them through hugs, kisses, held hands and snuggles. It allows me to cry, laugh, sing, praise and gives a home to a voice, that always has something to say.
As I look in the mirror I see the beauty that has been given and is still there. May I use my words and thoughts to uplift not tear myself down. No more beating up, but playing nicely….. Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. We have been traveling mates this far and we still have more to our journey. So Smile for the camera and say “I’M BEAUTIFUL!”….. every step of the way.
Merrill- You are so beautiful! Loved reading this… It’s so true of all of us! Wish we saw ourselves the way others do… and, mostly, the way God does! : )
I love this. I play a little game with myself somedays when I’m being extra-critical as I look in the mirror. I think if I could flash forward 20 years and be 68 (eeK) standing here looking at my 48 year-old self, I would slap my for worrying about my looks.