My big boys use the term “Man Crush” when they meet a new male friend that they bond with either through dark beers, Lonesome Dove, cigars, faith, music, food or football. I believe that it is the same crazy emotions that we feel when we are “falling in love”. You know that euphoric exciting feeling when you are around a particular someone new who brings a great new energy into your world. They get all giddy about this new found bond, especially my alpha oldest. There are only a few that can make us feel this way so when we find them they become priceless treasures in our souls.
Well, I have a new “Author Crush”.
I just read a book by Donald Miller called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. Head over heals in LOVE. I know he wrote Blue Like Jazz, but I never read it, I guess because I didn’t get the title. I will now. I will read all he has to write because of this new crush. I am attracted to someone who can use their words well to express the thoughts in their head and heart. His honest quirky words made me laugh out loud, to which Jackson replied when he heard me, “I haven’t laughed reading a book since 4th grade.” This only made me laugh harder….He’s in 5th. “Jackson you are reading the wrong books!” Anyway, about the new author of my dreams…
The book challenges us to live a good, great or better story. To step out, step up, jump in and risk. To understand that we are all going to have conflict, pain and suffering, but it is through this that we find out what we are made of IF we get up, move and finish. It makes our stories richer and us stronger. That God doesn’t promise life won’t suck at times, but he does promise to be with us as we walk the lonely miles of our sub-stories…..All with deep thought provoking, get up off your fanny, hysterical real one liners….nectar for a life coach like me.
As I was swallowing down the words in big gulps I realized that it was just what I needed….I was thirsty. With another holiday season upon us and my singleness still in place, I needed a new crush, something to curl up with at night and make me feel good. To stir things up inside and make me feel giddy. I know it is just a book but until God writes a “Woman meets Man” sub story in my life it will have to do.
Thank you Mr. Miller…I love you….Well your words at least. And even though I think my story has been pretty good to this point you have challenged me to keep living a great one. Let the Season begin!
Merrill, you crack me up! Ok, now I HAVE to read this ! Will be my Holiday Read!
Love u!