Posted by Merrill on Nov 30, 2011 | 0 comments
Woke us this morning with a heavy heart and a cluttered mind. I hate to start mornings this way. As much joy as the Christmas season will bring it also will be filled with 3 surgeries for ones I hold dear, clients that need support, presents to purchase and bills to pay. The list goes on and on and is a list I won’t be giving to Santa this year, but to a loving listening God. As I got my coffee I headed to my sanctum, the sacred place on my very worn couch and sighed,
“Here I am God.” Tears fell and my heart opened up. Did I say my heart was full? It was in this quiet moment when I said,
“What am I to do?”
He gently replied…..“Trust Me and Be You.”
That is what I heard. “Trust that I am enough, that I am bigger than your circumstance and that I love you and am with you. Then BE You. Go out and use your gifts and talents I have blessed you with and keep your eyes on me.”
Wow. Right after that I think I heard Bob Marley singing softly, “Then every little thing is gonna be alright…” Bob M. and God calming my heart this morning, weird. But in a very deep and meaningful moment it worked.
I went back to reading parts of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and came upon something that Robert Mckee said to my author crush, “The whole point of our story is the character arc. Joy doesn’t change a person. Joy is what we feel when the conflict is over. It’s the conflict that changes the person.”
Boy is that true and I must have one big arc! Truth is we all have to go there, muddle there, feel it, live it, breathe it, see it for what it is. Then use it and grow dammit grow. That’s transformation. For me transformation takes place in my quiet moments when God and sometimes a guest singer show up and speak into my heart. It never fails, He always show up. Today it was Bob and God, speaking to my heart to remind me to……..
TRUST HIM and BE ME….then every little and big thing is gonna be alright!