What’s in a Frame…more than meets the eye!

Posted by on Dec 28, 2011 | 3 comments

Wide Frame of LOVE!

What a picture! One of my favorites from David and Morgan’s wedding. There is so much in that frame, much more than meets the eye. Of course you see love, joy and FUN. But as I look into this frame I think “Oh my, I gave birth to everyone in the frame but me!” Each of them so individually themselves, gifted, talented with their own unique personalities. Yes, we fill a big frame and my sweet new daughter in law, Morgan is not even in this picture. Over the years there will be more to come…new wives and a husband for Grace someday. Who knows maybe even for me, though recently a man came up and said “We can’t date, I am afraid I would end up in your blog.” Well, he did and we won’t.

As 2011 is ending I look at that frame with such a thankful heart. Yes, it has been a tough year, an exciting year and FULL year. Some expectations met, others not. But with a New Year approaching I can’t help looking back at the lessons learned from this year, for that is where we find the wisdom to move forward. Here go’s….

1. Don’t look side to side to compare yourself to others. That is their journey, story and life. You have your own so make it a good one! Don’t beat yourself up along the way, Do YOUR best each day. Some days will be better than others, some years too. Just remember you are the CEO of your life so run it on prayer and good choices. Then live out the unique story God created you to live in order to live out a bigger, better story for Him.

2. When watching the movie The Help, I couldn’t Help thinking that if we used our words to uplift more….“You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” ….that the world we live in would be a better place. This isn’t a competition, it is life and we are all in it together, so let’s use our words and actions to encourage, love and uplift.

3. That being single mother, as challenging and lonely as it may be, is still the most cherished and rewarding title I have been given. As we raise the ones we have been gifted with, they grow up to gift us back in more ways than we can imagine. Thank you David, Michael, Andrew, Jackson, Grace and Morgan for gifting me each day with your love and presence.

4. They say that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger….True, but we can get weary. It is so important to practice self care. No one knows what you need more than you. Listen to what your heart speaks in quiet moments and do it. Let others in to offer support, love and care…there is a balance between the giving and receiving and we need to be good at both.

5. When your son gets married you don’t lose him. It just changes. If you keep your heart open and don’t let fear in, the relationship will shift into something wonderful. You just have to allow space for things to settle, for them to become one…Then you will see your son is still your son, you are still his mom and life is richer having 6 children instead of 5.

6. As far as love goes… (same as #5) Keep your heart OPEN, don’t let fear in, for if we understand God’s great love for us, then we can embrace a HOPE that will not disappoint us, it is then we can rest in His plan for our lives…(love lives included!)

7. One morning recently God said …“Trust me and Be You!” In a nut shell that is the biggest lesson for me this year. To go out daily, be fearless, trust in him and be the ME he created me to be. (even when I feel like I’m not enough or feeling weary) He is never on the sidelines, but living life beside me, helping me write my story and providing all that I need to make it to the finish line of each day.

As I look at the Frame above I know that this New Year approaching will bring many changes that will create a new picture for us. In 2012 let’s remember to Forgive, Embrace, Love, Laugh, Comfort, Learn, and Enjoy those around us. May our hearts, ears and eyes be open to all 2012 will teach us, challenge us and bless us with. I know I am leaping into the New Year with a open expectant heart to receive all God has in store for me.


  1. avatar

    Now this is a list I can read (all the way through) and embrace!

  2. avatar

    Thank you, Merrill. May 2012 be another blessed year for you and your beautiful family.

  3. avatar

    My sister, Kim Allen, told me about your blog. Love it! You write so eloquently and from a Christian perspective. I am hooked!

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