Hungry Self

Posted by on Oct 13, 2010 | 1 comment

Have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry? Oh my gosh I have and it is not a pretty sight! Everything looks delicious and is what I need RIGHT NOW to fill my starving self! I throw all sorts of things into the cart that are calling my name from every aisle and my bill is always more than I had budgeted for. Of course, once you get in the car and rip open something and start to chow down you realize that shopping hungry might not have been the best idea or in your best interest. Did I really need those Hot Fries, Three Musketeers and Diet Mountain Dew?

“I cannot count the good people that I know who to my mind would be even better if they bent their spirits to study their own hungers” M.F.K. Fisher

Physical hunger is one thing, but our souls know so many different kinds of hunger or shall we say cravings…. Emotional, spiritual, creative, mental and of course physical….the list goes on and on. And when the pains of hunger strike we look for anything to fill it. I meet with people all the time that are so quick to fill up with something that they will fill up with anything just to ease the emptiness, to fill that space that aches, and I am not just talking tummies! We are not a patient people, we want quick and fast-acting! Just as the little girl from Willy Wonka screamed….our souls scream too, “I WANT IT NOW!”

But what if we paused and asked, “What am I really craving? What would satisfy this hunger?” In Proverbs it states, “A patient man has great understanding.” What if we are able to sit in our hunger, even for a minute or two (heaven forbid!) and ask ourselves, “What is it that I really need?”

Bending your spirit to hear what your soul is craving and longing for, then quietly listening and responding to it’s request. Today consider the hunger pains and cravings that really count….what your soul needs to be content and settled in spirit. Then fill your cart up with what is good and truly fulfilling, not fast-acting but long-lasting, with what you know to satisfy your soul…..Taste and see it is good….I can guarantee it’s a whole lot better than HOT FRIES!

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    Though I am not sure what Hot Fries are I think I get the picture. Excellent food for thought Merrill. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of so many truths that I often forget.

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