Posted by Merrill on Oct 15, 2010 | 4 comments
So a while back I decided to jump back on the ole EHarmony dating train. Yes, UGH!! What’s a girl to do who does life coaching for a living and is known to love Jesus so much I think it scares most to set me up. My assumption has been that others think I am too pure (they must not know me), that I might quote scripture (maybe not on the first date, but it is the foundation for my life) or even better, I might lay hands on them ( I am pretty touchy feelie, I like to hit, grab and hug even strangers, but I save the laying on of hands until we are in an established relationship)! But I am here to tell you, us “Jesus Freaks” need a date too. So off on this adventure I go!
The first week was a real awakening….As I was sent the potential “dates” and I opened them one by one I thought to myself, “Really? Did they read our answers and look at our pictures then came up with the educated decision that we were a match?” YIKES! Panic struck and I searched the room for a brown bag to breath into. Did they really think I would marry someone who posted a picture of himself burning a flag? I better strap in this is going to be a bumpy ride!
Then one afternoon my 23 year old son David came over for “Wine Therapy” and was “coaching” me as we looked at my new daily matches together. He couldn’t believe they were all that bad, so I showed him.
One was blessed with shortness but had pictures of himself standing next to HUGE objects….big boats, big cars, big tractors. AND HE WROTE IN ALL CAPS! David laughed and said he should have had his picture taken next to a Mini Cooper. We called him Napoleon. BTW David wants to be Hitch and help all these men with their profiles, he thinks he would make a killing. I do too. You see one thing my children do not lack is confidence, they know who they authentically are….quirks, talents, weakness and strengths and David leads the pack!
There is one Match that has stayed with me. You see in our profiles there is a heading where we hungry potential daters have to answer the question, “What are you most passionate about?” This is the first thing a prospective mate will read. This is the line that is to grab your interest and get you to read more, then move on to dating. Well, the one that has stayed with me is this wonderful sweet man (I believe), who had white hair and was dressed in all white too. He answered this important question with….”I am not sure anymore.” David and I giggled at the time about how WRONG that answer was. It was not a great pick up line, and we thought he should have used his money for therapy or coaching not a dating service, but in reality how many people feel that way? He was, at the very least honest.
After our lives have taken so many twists and turns and we have been disappointed, hurt and left to go on, it can be hard to know what we are truly passionate about anymore. As I have been on this crazy adventure, the thing that gets to me the most is how many people don’t really know themselves or worse yet, love themselves enough to know what they are passionate about. They try hard to be what they aren’t or don’t even know anymore.
It is so important to know You before You can introduce yourself to another and invite them into your life. It’s hard to stay as a single in this coupled world, staying settled and allowing healing to occur, to finding out what you love, what you want, and who you really are standing alone, single. We don’t need someone to complete us, but to come along beside of us and share a seat on this ride we call life. Both healthy and whole in who we are as one, before we are two.
Well, I did meet someone who had the RIGHT answers and knows who he is and is authenticlly comfortable in himself. How refreshing. I will keep you posted……….
I LOVE THIS!!! YEAH!!! You totally deserve an amazing man! This is soo coo!!! I did eHarmoney and lLoved it! I deleted about 250 men…only gave 20 men the opportunity to make it to answer my questions, but then I deleted them for the “wrong” answer….and only accepted 3 dates after all that. Out of the 3, they were very cool and I liked them. But bad timing. So, I am so glad you did it! You go girl! If it makes you feel any better…my sister filled out eHarmoney’s 500 questions and they came back and said, “sorry, no matches for you….best of luck!” So, it could be worse…they could have said there are no matches for the “bible thumper”. Ha! Love you!!!!
Loved reading this. Got a chuckle out of why some might not feel like they could set you up on a date. Perhaps the better answer would be that noone knows someone worthy of a date with you. I do not say that as a suck up. You are a one of a kind and not just any man is going to measure up to what I see as your potential mate/partner. So I am thrilled to pieces that someone did make the cut and that you are having fun. Will look forward to the next installment!
I absolutely love your blogs! Among so many other things, you are also a talented writer – you certainly draw me into your “stories,” and I can relate so well to them. I have contemplated trying the EHarmony “train” but something has always stopped me – probably the fear of hearing the “sorry, no matches for you” reply. Please keep us all posted on your dating experiences. You are one of the most inspiring people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and you might just give me the “guts” to get out of my comfort zone and give it a try. By the way, being passionate about Christ is definitely a great thing, a true blessing – and a gift!!! I also think most of us at least go through times of not knowing what we truly want, need or are passionate about – simply what we do not like, want or need. Sifting through what we don’t like helps us become more open and aware of what we just might like to try (and see if it becomes a “like”). I know, easier said than done – and I kind of liked the honesty of the guy’s anwer to “what are you passionate about.” If he’s tall, maybe you should send him my way!
I too love your blogs! You have and always will put a happy smile on my face and I laugh, all by myslef thinking of your sweet laughter and smile. I think the person you have known and is the best is Christ???? I would hate doing those dating things! You deserve the best, so enjoy. I know when the time is right the Lord will find you the BEST man for the BEST girl around. love you sister