Quirky 4 Lettered Word

Posted by on Oct 28, 2010 | 0 comments

Isn’t it funny how we use the word LOVE? “I LOVE that color….I LOVE those brussel sprouts….I LOVE your hair…. I LOVE that song….I LOVE those shoes…. I LOVE that movie…..I LOVE that house….I LOVE the Gators…..Cars, chocolate, sheets, trees…..

Then….  I LOVE you.

It’s weird we don’t have more ways to express such a powerful emotion and feeling. We are so limited.  I have to admit that I do use this interesting incredible 4 letter word a lot. In fact one of my best friends teases me that I love everything and everyone, but truth is some LOVE is felt deeper than others. When I handed out a LOVE bracelet a couple years ago to some of my favorite girls, my friend asked me to write inside hers, “I love you the most!” in permanent marker.

I did.

I think the fact that I know, deep down to my toes, how much I am loved by such an amazing God even when I am fussy, stubborn, angry and feeling plain unlovable….. has impacted the way I love others, it overflows.

“We love because he first LOVED us.” 1 John 4:19

Remember Jesus chose the 12 before they chose him…..and they were an interesting bunch. Well, so am I and He chose me too! When we embrace the fact that we are unconditionally loved it then frees us to share that love with others. Isn’t what we are called to do, LOVE one another? But it starts within us, seeing and believing we are lovable and loved, do you feel it?

You are.

So, what other words can we use to express what we feel inside? Can we say…I Like you a lot? I am Passionate about my brussel sprouts? I am Fond of those shoes? I feel Affectionately about this piece of chocolate? I Adore the Gators?

No, I think for me whether using the 4 lettered word as a noun or a verb I will stick with L-O-V-E.

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