Posted by Merrill on Nov 10, 2010 | 2 comments
An update on the boy situation, because you asked. Yes, he is still around. Yes, he is still authentically himself. And yes, I still enjoying being with him….interesting. Just a few thoughts and insights that I have learned over these weeks of dating 101.
1. As women we can expect, want and think we need someone to rescue us. Insight: Men don’t rescue, God does. If we are lucky God provides someone to come up along side us to do life with us as a partner.
2. Likewise, we girls can feel the need to save too. Game show NO also….We are both responsible for our individual lives and to bring a whole self to create a healthy “us”.
3. Laughter is good, tender is great and caring is something new for me. How refreshing to have someone care for me.
4. Over the weeks when friends asked about this new relationship I would respond, “I like him a lot!” One of my dear friends giggled and said, “It’s good for you to like someone, you LOVE everyone.” She was right. One of the gifts of this relationship has been the pace in which it has been allowed to grow. Everything needs Sun, Rain, Care, TIME and safe soil to mature and blossom.
5. At our age we all have baggage stuffed full of life….the good, the bad and even the ugly. Take your time unpacking your bags, there is no reason to do it all in one sitting. Between sorting the loads of laundry we carry, allow yourself to feel the lightness and joy of liking some one. After all it should all come out in a good wash of grace anyway…..Timing for talking is called wisdom.
6. When you ask God for something be ready….It might not come looking like you had planned or expected but it can knock you off your feet just the same. He is funny that way and is always doing His work inside me.
For the past week I keep hearing that darn Cinderella song in my head… “So this is love…” (YES there is a princess in all of us girls, even a tomboy like me)…Well, as scary as that sounds the comfort is knowing that if I miss the ding-dong of midnight and my glass slipper falls and shatters into a million pieces I have a Father who loves me and knows how to put the pieces back together again. I believe the steps to this dance are…Trust, step out, Trust, step out… knowing my Father is watching his girl!
Wow, you hit it sister. So many people think relationship or getting pregnant, having a child to care for or a bigger house, or a nicer car, they think all these things will fill them up, when only Jesus can fill the void in our lives. I am so happy for you because Lord knows, we all would love the best for the best, YOU! You so deserve the best. But, until the Lord sends him……which this might be…’s not the best. Well, you know what I am trying to say. Anyway, I am so glad you are enjoying your cinderella story. I hope the slipper stays and one day, God will bless you with a dress to match those slippers, but only in time. Enjoy someone else caring and loving you and HAVE FUN. Love you bunches!
Love the update. You know I would have asked next time we talked. I am so glad you are in this season with someone who seems to be the perfect fit as your partner. Your insights, as always, are so wise.