Ugh, is the only word I can think of thank goodness. I have come to find that no matter if you are the one breaking up or the one broken up with, it’s tough. It’s especially tough if you care deeply for one another. That just makes the cutting of the ties between the two of you that much more difficult. Letting go, moving forward and not looking back at the what if’s, someday or maybe’s. Staying too long at the break-up scene is like driving too slow by an accident on the highway….do we really want or need to stop and take in all the mess? Analyze the crash and who’s at fault? The pain and suffering? The wounded? The decision has been made, “Everyone, keep moving forward!” I can hear the officer shouting.
Then there is the whole theory of “Being Friends”. Seriously? Can you go from a dating relationship one day and the next say “We’re Friends’? Maybe if the emotions didn’t run too deep, but who knows? I believe this stirs things up and creates mucky waters where clarity cannot be found, at least for a while. Friendships are born down the road and are found on a different highway than the one you have been traveling on together. So get off at the next exit and head in a new direction.
My thoughts are, if you know that it isn’t going to work, for whatever reason and they are valid if you are feeling them (trust them). Make a Clean Cut. Then know you need space, time and prayer for things to settled. To heal and to look at what God has to teach you within this break up, yes there is always wisdom to gain tucked in if you dare to take a peek. You need to be prepared for the next chance at bat, because it might come quicker than you think.
“I’m listening God!” My foot is on the pedal, we are leaving the break up scene behind! Thank’s for taking the wheel, all I see are open exciting roads ahead and another chance at bat!
Very well put. Love you!