The Waiting Room and Hallways……

Posted by on Jan 19, 2011 | 1 comment

I love my girls group and this season we have so many new interesting girls to bring real, honest challenging discussion to the hour we meet. Today we were discussing the book, One Month To Live, Thirty Days to a No-Regret Life by Kerry and Chris Shook. We talked about risk and the areas in our life that we tend to “Play it Safe”. Yes, even me the cannon-baller has an area where I choose to stay on the dock and play it safe. We winced at the thought of the pruning process stages of our lives. OUCH! We also talked about dreams, what stands in our way of pursuing them and how God is able to do far more that we could ever dare to ask for or dream of….infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.

But what happens when it is not in our timing, God doesn’t immediately respond. You know he is not a vending machine….Say a prayer and out pops the answer. Sometimes His timing differs from our expectations. It is then we find ourselves in the WAITING ROOM of life. UGH!

All of a sudden one of my favorites in the group (because she is the eldest and cutest) piped up and said, “We have all heard the saying “When one door closes, another will open.” But the difficult part is the HALLWAY OF HELL and how long we are stuck in there until another door actually opens!” We all just broke up into laughter because we know what she was talking about. At one point in my life I thought that hallway was my new home!

The thing to remember is, when we find ourselves in that hallway with all doors closed, we need to have friends to giggle, cry and just be with. We need to acknowledge a God who is present in the hallway with us, providing all we need, never leaving us or forsaking us. We are in the waiting room (or hallway as Amelia would call it) because God wants us to rely on him and trust in his plan for our life. Once we do then He can open a new door! I can hear him saying…..”Get up, let’s go have I got an adventure for you!” Just remember even Jesus, the Savior of the world, waited 30 years before he began his ministry, so what am I fussing over?

A lot can happen in the hallway if we use our time there well and are open to view it in a different way!

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