Posted by Merrill on Apr 12, 2011 | 2 comments
Last night Grace decided she wanted curly hair for FCAT’s. I know it might seem odd but she loves to put foam curlers in her hair when wet and make her straight hair curly! So we did it while watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. “High Chitty, Low Chitty…everywhere you go Chitty…” Rolling away! The real treat is first thing in the morning, when we wake up and take the curlers out. She loves this and is very confident in the way it looks, even though Jackson says, “You look like Einstein!” She feels beautiful, sassy and different. There is the key word, different. Jackson says, “She’s weird” but then quickly follows up with, “Well so I am.” I reply, “Me too, quirky, weird but definitely not normal! Who wants to be normal?”
EVERYONE….For some reason we want to fit in instead of stand out. Blend in, not be different. I have clients who constantly struggle with fitting in, they are not comfortable with their uniqueness. I always say don’t fight who you were created to be, own it. It take a whole lot more energy to try and be who we are not, then to just be ourselves. We were created different, we hear our own music, have our own taste, style, likes and dislikes. Why must we try to conform to be like everyone else? That would just be boring and dull.
No, I say BE YOU! If you wake up one day and want curly hair, go for it! You feel like dancing to a new beat, rock it! If you like funky glasses, wear them! Let’s stop worrying about what others think and what their expectations of us are. Let’s quit trying to be normal and find what makes us different, what makes us us. All of my five are so different and so uniquely made I cannot imagine a world without each weird and wonderful one of them!
So go out and be the best you, let’s quit caring what others want us to be, say and do. Let’s start focusing our energy on who you know you to be, it comes from deep inside and provides the most joy you will ever feel…..just to be real~
Our own little Curly Sue! I love her so much, goggles and all!
Gracie looks beautiful! You can never look too good for FCAT! ♥