Posted by Merrill on Jul 18, 2011 | 0 comments
Yesterday, I woke up and took Sunshine (the dog) for a walk…for some reason the song “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul….” was ringing in my head, so I sang it. The whole walk I just sang and sang. It was a beautiful morning, breezy and cool, rare for July in Florida. “Bless the Lord, Oh my messy soul, and ALL that is within me, bless His Holy name….” you see I felt a bit messy this morning, but there is something wonderful about the fact that even though we are such beautiful, complicated messes, He loves us anyway, ALL of us, every part of us… and that deserves my praise, in the form of singing today of course.
Then we headed to church, Jackson, Grace and I. As we were driving there, Grace decided to share something…”Mama, you know how some people have sweaty hands? Well, I have sweaty feet!” And with that took her hand, wiped her sandal-ed foot, then wanted to share it with me, so she wiped my arm! REALLY? Did I really have a girl after those 4 boys? Or do I have 5 boys? She is a HOOT. Yuck! We laughed and Jackson was totally grossed out, very happy he was in the back seat away from Grace!
When we settled into our seats at church, my sweet son Andrew was on stage leading worship. Bless the Lord oh my soul…Oh what joy filled my heart to hear Andrew’s voice. He and Johnny King were rockin the house for God and were inviting all of us to join them. Amazing and powerful worship. But more importantly for me, was to see my sweet son who had been working 90 hours a week and very weary, looking filled up too. His face shone with a gentle peace, he had rested and was doing something he loved (and is quite good at if I say so myself.) It’s hard to go, go, go and not fill up. Andrew got his share and was filled to the brim.
Sitting there between my sweaty foot girl, my quirky Jackson, David who is about to get married to beautiful Morgan and Andrew on stage doing his thing…I felt pure JOY. All that was missing was Michael, but to have all 5 is a rare thing now, so 4 will do the soul good for today. It was Sunday and the Lord did bless my soul!