A bad moment or two, but not a BAD day.

Posted by on Aug 11, 2011 | 0 comments

Reading this new book by Regina Brett called, God Never Blinks. It had 50 short lessons for life’s little detours, something I am very familiar with…detours, wrong turns, back roads….

So, today I was at lesson 17. “You can get through anything life hands you IF you stay put in the day you are in and don’t jump ahead.” There were some great underline-able sentences (something I do to all my books) but the one that jumped out was,

“No one really has a bad life. Not even a bad day. Just bad moments.”

Love this, because as I was finishing up this lesson and out walked Gracie to announce….”Mom my stomach hurts.” And so the day went….things departing from sweet little Grace’s body at full speed, from all openings….Tears from her eyes….Throw-up from her mouth and…. well…. you get the idea. For hours. Yes, everything planned was canceled. We were home, doing battle against a bug. There was no jumping ahead, we were going to be “staying put” in this day.

Yes, a few bad moments today for Grace and mom (what a load of laundry!) But there were a few funny, peaceful and sweet moments too. There is something about taking care of your child all day that touches our parenthood deeply. Holding the hair out of her face, rubbing her back, placing a cold washcloth on her forehead or just lying down on the bed and watching her sleep. Deep in the trenches of care I feel so close to her and so blessed to be with her even as the germs are leaving her body and swirling around me….God bless Grace and God protect me!!!!I am just hoping there is a special “grace” that God gives us parents that protects us from things leaving our bodies at full speed after tending to our sick ones all day.

I will be saying extra prayers tonight to keep all the bugs that might want another battle with anyone else in the house at bay….

Lord hear my prayer!

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