Mental Lint

Posted by on Nov 7, 2011 | 0 comments

Mental lint is the “stuff” that drifts around my head, the tiny bits of thoughts that bounce in and out throughout the day. At times I need to clean it out so that I run more efficiently, like my dryer does when I remember to remove the crud. To make a clean sweep without losing the important stuff.

If it’s build up from little 2 minute tasks that need to be done …. I try to follow Nike’s rule and “JUST DO IT”.  It is easy and feels great to get that kind of lint out!

We also can have the build up from the “theys” in our life. What would “they” think? “They” do? “They” say? Lint I say! I need to stop and ask myself “What do I think? How do I feel? Lord, What should I say?”  Take my eyes off the “Theys” and keep them on Thee. Why do we hyper focus on the lint of “theys” instead of Thee? Don’t I believe “Thy will be done…” in my life. Goodbye “theys”, Good morning Thee!

I have lint from bills that need to be paid. Michael going to China again. Did I send that Birthday card? Dinner. Change laundry. Clean dryer lint. Parent conferences. Couches. Call mother. Emails. Kenya planning. Dog feeding. What to wear. Oil change…..the “what if’s” and “if onlys”, the to dos, and the don’t forget lists!

As I was walking today, feeling the mental lint tossing to and fro between my ears, I started to say the Lord’s Prayer and got to the part of  “Give us this day our daily bread…”


Life is so daily, if we stay in the day and take the next best step the lint doesn’t seem to build up so quickly.  I can make the lists, tackle the 2 minute tasks, and quiet the noise…. but if I stay grounded in the fact that I do trust God to “give me my daily manna” (whatever I need within that day) my head is a little clearer and my heart a little more settled. So I handed him my Lint List and started my day!

I may never be lint-less BUT I can do a little more lint control by trusting that I will receive my DAILY bread…..daily.

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