My Theme Song

Posted by on Jan 8, 2016 | 0 comments

About 11 years ago David ,my oldest son gave me a theme song.

“He said, “Mom this is your theme song.”
He picked it, he was right, it was perfect.
Since then I have always had one playing in my mind, throughout different seasons of my life.

Sure, they change just like the seasons, but it’s great to have one to sing, hum, or dance to.

We, the tribe, love music. It can heal places that are hard to reach, make us smile, and cause us to get up and dance!

Found a new favorite artist (what a voice), and theme song (what a song) for 2016…
Andra Day singing; Rise Up Rising up today~

What about you?  Do you have a theme song?
SING it LOUD as you move into this New Year!
Thanks David, for being you!

Here it is is you would like a listen…My ONE WORD this year is RISE and this is perfect for me!

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