Posted by Merrill on Mar 1, 2010 | 0 comments
I am reading this wonderful book by John Ortberg called, The Life You’ve Always Wanted. Each chapter is like a delicious course in living. This book has challenged me, brought delight and stirred me, but this latest chapter sent an arrow into my Type A personality heart! The chapter is called An Unhurried Life.
“Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.” Jung writes. As I was reading the book I found myself shouting a few “AMENS” knowing that I was the choir and needed to hear this sermon. Ortberg states, “As we pursue our spiritual life, we must battle with hurry. For many of us the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. We will just skim our lives instead of living them.”
This is not only true in our spiritual lives but within the scope of our relationships……Do we slow down and enjoy one another or is it always racing to get the day done, the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed and finally getting all tucked in? Hurry can prevent us from giving love and receiving love. It can steal all gratitude and wonder.
So I ask my self….”Self, What’s the hurry?” Slow yourself as you move through the day with the kids, take time to enjoy a moment of solitude, allow yourself to really hear, see and smell what is wonderful. And most of all create time with your first love, God. Let him settle your heart, quiet your mind and give you strength, direction and deep love that can only be found in this unhurried moment.
One last thought…I was watching Grace at her basketball game and found it delightful that as she ran up and down the court in hot pursuit of the ball she always threw in a few skips withing the run. Run, run, skip, skip, run, skip, run…… She was not in that much of a hurry that she forgot what she loved…skipping. She always got to the net with the team, even made a few baskets but she took her time and enjoyed the trip!
May you find your SKIP within your run today and may it slow you down to enjoy a life without hurry but filled with delight!