Posted by Merrill on Mar 9, 2010 | 0 comments
“Somehow original sin, that inner anguish and brokenness that is beyond our own doing, becomes the place where we touch our original blessing. Somehow our broken fathers, our limited mothers, our neurotic brothers, our confused sisters, and our own inner struggles work to create in us a hunger to move beyond our pain.
“My soul is restless,” as Augustine says, “until it rest in you, O Lord.”
Once we approach intimacy with God dwelling within, and once we accept others and ourselves as we are, we may begin to speak about “happy guilt” or “happy brokenness.” (Sweetly Broken) The inner struggle is no longer such a burden, but a way to truth, to light, and to life. How is it possible to be children of God, embraced by Divine Love, and allowed into intimacy with the Creator of the Universe if God hadn’t already welcomed us, with compassion, just as we are? Through Jesus’ life on earth we come to know about the inner life of God. It is in our fragile and mortal flesh that God’s original blessing, God’s immense love, is revealed to us.” From Fear to Love: Henri Nouwen
This was my Lent Devotion today…..I smiled and thought, I couldn’t say it any better Henri. This is what Sweetly Broken is all about! So many of us are restless and searching, carrying past hurts, disappointments and pain, then left feeling guilty, angry, bitter and lonely. I can almost heat Henri saying………”Stop the madness!”
Today may you, like me, experience your original blessing and find peace, comfort and joy within the brokenness of your life. May you find rest in a love that accepts you just as you are! Now that is SWEET and something to smile about!