The other day I was trying to explain to Grace about why her brother Jackson was doing something, she replied…” I know, he was just made that way.” Unconditional love, grace and acceptance out of the mouth of a little sister! Rare, I give you that. Shouldn’t we all practice the art of Extending Grace? But it can be so hard. Why do we look at others imperfections and see “A Piece of Work” instead of a “Work of Art”? We all have our quirks, likes, styles and personalities! It’s what makes us unique and individually who we were created to be.
Then I had a wonderful session with a 20 year old young man and he commented on how as we talk about someone there is always a first sentence…” You know Merrill.”, and a second sentence….” She’s the one with the crazy red hair.” I LOVED THIS and the more I pondered it I LOVED IT MORE! Indeed we all have a second sentence. I started thinking of some of the people I know. “You know David…..He has the ever changing facial hair.”, “You know Melissa……She has a great laugh and is always sassy.”, “You know Nick……. We call him Hollywood.”, “Davey….. Her smile and heart lead her wherever she goes, pure fun!”
You see the challenge is in the second sentence. It is how we see and accept others. Is it filled with truth but covered by grace? Is it funny but not hurtful? Does it uplift or tear down? Acceptance is a tough thing. Like the Professor in My Fair Lady sang so boldly, “Why can’t a women be more like a man? Why can’t a women be more like me?” Well, Professor Higgins really wouldn’t want it that way and neither would we. If we all were alike how boring that would be. We were created to be different with assorted gifts and talents, personalities and appearances.
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins (and personalities, quirks and differences….) Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling (in our house we say fussing). Each one should use whatever gift he has received (they might be different than mine) to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, (boy do we) he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised thought Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and power for ever and ever…AMEN!” 1 Peter 4:8-11
It’s great to be different, accepted and loved. Own your differences, embrace them and others. And like Daniel….”You know Daniel…..He’s the one that his humor and thoughts are as deep as his blue eyes.”….. May you use your second sentences to bless, uplift and find joy in those around you!
I loved that!