Posted by Merrill on Jun 2, 2010 | 0 comments
I am facilitating a group doing the book SABBATH by Wayne Muller (one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES as many of you know) and there was a line in it that I asked the group to ponder…
“Be still. Stop. There is no rush to get to the end, because we are never finished. Take time to rest, and eat, and drink, and be refreshed. And in the gentle rhythm of that refreshment, listen to the sound the heart makes as it speaks the quiet truth of what is needed.”
It is that last line that I asked them, “What do you hear that is needed?”
For me it was loud and clear but I felt a bit silly, like a little girl saying it, “I need someone to tell me I am doing a good job and that they were proud of me.” Being single and working for myself there is little encouragement, feedback or praise unless you count Sunshine’s wag as a “Well done!” Oh sure, I feel God’s presence and peace when I know I am walking in His will, what my sister calls the “Narrow Path”, but every now and then a good audible “Way to Go!” would fill my tank.
Then I started thinking it’s not just me but all of us….children, couples, friends, co-workers….the list goes on and on. We all need to hear, “Good job, Way to go, I am proud of you!” Isn’t it funny how we can get so busy minded with our own stuff that we can forget to encourage, praise and lift others up. For some, one kind word is all their hungry hearts need to satisfy. I had a client tell me this week, “No one ever told me I was strong, beautiful and courageous until you did.” She is in her 50’s……
Reality is we often forget that the spoken word is as powerful in praise as it can be destructive. May we use this power for good, not evil, and definitely not neglect the power granted us to uplift and love one another with our words. Think how many words spill out of our mouths each day, can we bless someone with a few of them?
So as Paul said to the Thessalonians, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up daily!” Yes Paul you were right, a good encouraging word can be just what is needed….at least for this silly little girl!