You know how when someone asks you to do something and you say, “Yes!” without thinking it through? Well, a neighbor asked me a while back if I would take my guitar over and sing for the residents of the new nursing home she opened. Being the kooky musical family that we are I replied, “Sure!” Well, yesterday was the day we finally were able to get over there. I had given the kids a heads up that morning that we were going to go sing right after Jackson got home from school, I told them it was in our neighborhood and it wouldn’t take too long. After school we quickly hurried to get ready, Grace and Jackson were not too sure about the whole...
Read MoreToday one of my very favorite uncles is losing his battle with cancer. My heart is so heavy because I loved him so much as a child. He taught me what “Davey Jones Locker” meant, and threatened to send us all there! We followed him around the mountains of North Carolina like he was the Pied Piper, giggling the whole way. We loved how he made us feel, his laugh and his big sweet smile. My greatest memory of him will forever be, in the prime of my “BUD CRUSH” (and yes you can have a rush on your single uncle when you are 12), we were water skiing and I really wiped out. The boat swung around to get me and as it came close I lifted my arms up to be...
Read MoreLast night at Youth Group a brave young man got up and shared his story. This high schooler is always up at the church helping, hanging out, with a quick smile. But last night he shared how the last two years have not been easy, in fact they were just down right painful. The transition into high school was a tough adjustment, bigger crowds of kids, friends choosing new groups and leaving him without a place to belong was just the beginning of a very difficult couple years. At one of the very lowest points he walked up to a group of kids at lunch and was told, “We are trying to cut down the number of people at our table, you will have to find another place to...
Read MoreAs my birthday drew near all I could think about was retreating to the mountains of NC for rest and renewal. It was not an easy exodus, with last minute car repairs, children to leave, work to complete and a later than normal escape. Eventually we left, my soul exhaled, and we were on our way. When I got here, I realized that it is in this special place that I come to build little altars, just like Abraham did. He would retreat to the mountains, pitch a tent, build an altar and give thanks. I might not have to pitch a tent, in fact I have a very comfy bed up here, but it’s in this place that I have the time and space to slow down, breathe and remember who...
Read MoreI have always been a C.S. Lewis fan, but the other day found quote I had not ever seen before. “God doesn’t want something from us. He simply wants us.” He simply wants us. You and me. He wants our attention, no matter what we can or cannot do. Our love, no matter how broken and messy we feel. Our ear, to whisper things in that get lost in an incredibly loud world in which we live in. He simply want us to come as we are. How refreshing and comforting to be reminded that in a world that is always looking to see what I can do, produce, create and be, that I have a God that just simply wants me. Isn’t great just to be...
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