What a week! I have had to really be intentional about finding “Fill Up” time. The funny thing is that each day as I head out and think “How will I get it all done?”, there is this grace that carries me throughout the day. So, even though it has been very busy I am still feeling like I am right in the flow of God’s plan for my day. He is with me, providing just what I need and sustaining me with each step. Last night, after one of these days, I came home after a speaking event and jumped into my jammies. I plopped into bed with Grace for our reading time. Nothing better after a long day and on a cold night. When I asked her about her book...
Read MoreUgh, is the only word I can think of thank goodness. I have come to find that no matter if you are the one breaking up or the one broken up with, it’s tough. It’s especially tough if you care deeply for one another. That just makes the cutting of the ties between the two of you that much more difficult. Letting go, moving forward and not looking back at the what if’s, someday or maybe’s. Staying too long at the break-up scene is like driving too slow by an accident on the highway….do we really want or need to stop and take in all the mess? Analyze the crash and who’s at fault? The pain and suffering? The wounded? The decision has...
Read MoreOne of the challenging things I that I deal with in a few of my clients is the fact that somewhere along the way they stopped showing up for their life. Everyday we have to SHOW UP. Show up for our families, our jobs, our friends, the things we love, the things that are important. Just SHOW UP. I love the quote….. “Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.” Alan Sachs. Isn’t that the truth! All I can say is I want to LIVE my LIFE and live it well! One of the things that I decided a while back was to say yes and show up when asked. To see what God had in store when I did show up. Today I had a meeting with...
Read MoreIf you have had any contact with me the last 2 weeks you know what “ONE WORD” means. I have been pushing the ONE WORD theme to help others define what 2011 will look like for them. It has been so exciting to hear what they come up with. There was a DO, because this person had not done anything much for years due to an accident. There was a FINISH, they had a lot of undone things in their life. There was a DISCOVER, PLAY, CRUISE, POSITIVE, SERVE, HARVEST, THRIVE, MOVE, WHOLE, SINCERITY, PASSIONATE, PEACE, BREATHE, OPPORTUNITY, RELEASE, NO, GENESIS, POWER, SATISFIED, ADVENTURE, JOY…..the list goes on and on. I was so impressed at how many came up with...
Read MoreGet those blackeyed peas a cookin! Chronologically we’re at the end of a year, a parting ways of sorts. We are heading onto new terrain, the beginning of an exciting new pilgrimage. A few thoughts as we prepare to shove off into 2011… Never forget, the only thing you really need…..you already have. The fullness of God’s mercy, love, grace and compassion’s that are found new every morning. He surrounds you, sustains you, protects you, enfolds you and equips us with what we need for the journey ahead. ASK….Ask for strength, Ask for help, Ask for the switch to be turned on, Ask for provision, Ask to catch the flow, Ask to soar, Ask for...
Read MoreSo Jackson, Grace and I were watching a movie last night, all snuggled in, when Jackson looked over at me and said, “Do they all end good?” I looked at him and said, “You mean movies?” He said, “Yes, do all movies end good?” I just had to laugh and say “Most, because they want us to feel good.” Isn’t it funny that my wonderful 10 year old boy knows that life is not that way and it feels weird that the world wants us to believe that. Truth is, not every storyline we live ends good/happy. Sometimes we have to deal with some pain and suffering for that it where growth happens, wisdom and knowledge is found and great...
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