
Still Wandering…..

Posted by on Dec 29, 2010 | 0 comments

Wandering and pondering still…. It is a funny thing, this “no man’s land” down time on the calendar. When we quiet our minds from the day to day hum that is usually present, we start to hear things that could not have been heard in the noise of the normal everyday. I have had to wrestle with a break-up from a wonderful man who even though fun, caring and loving was not the right one. UGH. There was no wrong or right it was just not a long term fit. I will blog more about this when it is not so fresh and painful. But in the quiet of this week my thoughts go to…..Is there another? For me for Him? Did I do the right thing? Alone...

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No Man’s Land

Posted by on Dec 27, 2010 | 0 comments

December 27th, this week seems to always be a time of exhaling, cleaning, returning, re-grouping and pondering the year we are getting ready to close out and the New Year approaching. It is a relaxed time with friends and loved ones with no more present, cooking or wrapping pressure. I LOVE this week. It’s kinda like no mans land on the calendar for me. As I am still sitting in bed (it is freezing cold and I can’t even think of getting up and out yet….the coffee is too good and the blankets are so warm) with Sunshine at my feet I have been pondering the past few days….. It was a great Christmas with my children. Everyone was happy with what Santa...

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The Highs and the Lows and the Ho Ho Ho’s!

Posted by on Dec 23, 2010 | 0 comments

The Season has been a whirl for me, is it really December  23nd? Wow! I have not blogged since the 9th and yet so much has filled my days since then. For me to sit and put my thoughts down takes a little quiet and definitely time, which I guess there has been shortage of. BUT today I have a smidge of both so here goes…The highs, the lows and the HoHoHo’s of the last few weeks. (this could be a long one…sorry!) The biggest High of this season is that my sweet son David got engaged to his long time love Morgan. Every time I think about it a smile lights my face and my heart seems to overflow. I teared up when he told about asking Morgans father if he...

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Life interrupted….

Posted by on Dec 9, 2010 | 1 comment

I am co-leading an Advent study and last week we talked about divine interruptions. Yes, God can throw us a few of those here and there too. We talked about sweet Joseph and how he must have felt when he found out Mary was prego with Jesus. Talk about an interruption! Well, we can have interruptions that can be pretty hard to swallow too. Maybe not a divine pregnancy but certainly things that have caused us to stop dead in our tracks and ask, “Are you kidding me!”, “Seriously, what were you thinking God?”, “How inconvenient!”. Interruptions can come in so many different forms. Health issues, job challenges, relationships beginning or...

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A BIG Imperfect Gift!

Posted by on Nov 30, 2010 | 1 comment

Isn’t it funny how others perceive us through our Facebook updates or posts. Yes, I have been called the “Upload-er” due to how fast I get picture posted. I also post life coaching tips everyday, and with this people get a glimpse into my life. I frequently hear…. “You have a great life….What a wonderful family…. You all look so happy and have so much fun….” Perception is tricky.  Yes, our life is good, it can be fun and at times very happy. But the truth is that my family is just as real as the next. No perfect here, in fact I am very uncomfortable with the word “perfect”. We have our bumps and bruises,...

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Dating 101

Posted by on Nov 10, 2010 | 2 comments

An update on the boy situation, because you asked. Yes, he is still around. Yes, he is still authentically himself. And yes, I still enjoying being with him….interesting. Just a few thoughts and insights that I have learned over these weeks of dating 101. 1. As women we can expect, want and think we need someone to rescue us. Insight: Men don’t rescue, God does. If we are lucky God provides someone to come up along side us to do life with us as a partner. 2. Likewise, we girls can feel the need to save too. Game show NO also….We are both responsible for our individual lives and to bring a whole self to create a healthy “us”. 3. Laughter is...

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