
Rise up and Show Up

Posted by on Apr 8, 2012 | 0 comments

As I was sitting at the sunrise service today I realized why I was so stuck on the theme “Show Up” this week. Sometimes God starts to work in my heart way before I understand what he is doing. This week I kept seeing how many blessings are found when we just “Show Up”. We all have very busy lives and it is easy to make an excuse to not “Show Up”. But this week I made the effort. I kept finding numerous joys when I showed up to eat with friends, exercise, waking up early, playing darts, met with clients, and this morning at the sunrise service, even though I was tired and feeling a bit lonely. God was at work, as usual. I began to think...

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Mountain moments, musings, music and madness…

Posted by on Apr 3, 2012 | 4 comments

So, spring break came and went. As we rushed to the mountains of NC to escape life for a week, as usual life followed. I realized this as my beautiful little girl started to throw up in a plastic bag in the back seat on I-75 in Atlanta traffic. Stuck in the furthest lane, far from any exit for miles, I began to wonder if God heard my cry before we left the driveway this morning…”I need a break so bad.” Humm…Maybe just bad chicken from lunch… wishful thinking. Within 24 hours Jackson was driving the porcelain bus too, well sitting on, then driving, then sitting on, driving…You get the picture. God, I always thought we had pretty good...

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If you are like me…You are on Plan Z

Posted by on Mar 15, 2012 | 2 comments

“Many are the Plans in a Man’s heart but the Lord’s Purpose Will Prevail.”    Proverbs 19:21 Once upon a time there was a little girl born into a loving family, to parents who wanted her and cherished her. From the start her grandmother on her mother’s side would declare, “I believe my sweet granddaughter was actually born HAPPY!”  She had lots of energy, cart wheeling from here to there, smiling most of the time, eating everything in sight, singing and giggling her way into life… All was great and going along just fine….until the news of a new sister was part of the PLAN…WHAT? That was not what she bought into when she agreed...

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Just a Child of God

Posted by on Jan 7, 2012 | 3 comments

Yesterday someone overheard another speaking about me and they said, “You know she is an Evangelical.” I was taken back because I would never label myself that. I struggle with all labels at 48. Why do we have to place others under a roof of faith with a label to describe who they are? Can’t I just be a girl who loves Jesus? Do we really think that there will be different neighborhoods in heaven for Methodists, Catholics, Evangelicals? What about Married, Single, Divorced? Smart, Beautiful, Successful, Athletic, Popular? The Rich, the Poor side of the clouds? How about for everyone who got it right and everyone who got it wrong? I knew a Mormon once...

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20 Tips for a Positive Productive and JOYFUL New Year

Posted by on Jan 2, 2012 | 0 comments

1. You can’t control everything that happens to you. – But you can control how you react to things.  Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects. Whether you’re happy or not depends greatly on which aspects you focus on. Things change but the sun always rises. The bad news: nothing is permanent. The good news: nothing is permanent. 2. Zoom Focus.- Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help create the life I desire?” Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions. 3. Don’t look side to side to compare yourself to others. That is their journey, story...

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What’s in a Frame…more than meets the eye!

Posted by on Dec 28, 2011 | 3 comments

What’s in a Frame…more than meets the eye!

What a picture! One of my favorites from David and Morgan’s wedding. There is so much in that frame, much more than meets the eye. Of course you see love, joy and FUN. But as I look into this frame I think “Oh my, I gave birth to everyone in the frame but me!” Each of them so individually themselves, gifted, talented with their own unique personalities. Yes, we fill a big frame and my sweet new daughter in law, Morgan is not even in this picture. Over the years there will be more to come…new wives and a husband for Grace someday. Who knows maybe even for me, though recently a man came up and said “We can’t date, I am afraid I would end...

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